The World of Ego-Expressionist Art and Literature .
The Ego-Expressionist explores the 'inner' Self, to create works of one’s personal expression, to satisfy one's own sense of potential, discovery and visionary aspects as to how they 'see' the world and the effects of the world on them.
The MEEa Museum is home to the most significant collection of RE Romero-Probst's Ego-Expressionist art in the world.
These art pieces are the 'Collectors', and these are the faces of those who are entrusted with the task of making artistic judgments in regards to each individual who seeks to bring into public view their work.
Their are so many roads this artist has taken that it is fruitless to classify the art and writings as the styles change with the artist.
Masterworks by RE Romero-Probst of the Early 1960's California, 1970's Southern California and 1980's worldwide.
The collection of: Photographs of Everything: Living through the Lens.
These books are of the tale of Alamar, the Mystic Warrior-priest, and Randee, the Prophet-poet. who's inception in Ancient and Present-day Eden mark the turmoil and enlightenment of our lives. The diaries, written in the style of poetic discourses offer us an insight to the revelations tied to the mysteries of both, our mystical and physical world.