These books are of the tale of Alamar, the Mystic Warrior-priest, and Randee, the Prophet-poet. who's inception in Ancient and Present-day Eden mark the turmoil and enlightenment of our lives. The diaries, written in the style of poetic discourses offer us an insight to the revelations tied to the mysteries of both, our mystical and physical world.
By RE Romero-Probst
The Abstract Poetic Diaries
7 books make up the first part of the The Abstract Poetic diaries. They were the 7 Dreams; created by the prophet/poet Randee having been inspired by the will of Alamar’s influence on Randee’s living. The poetry and prose is both contemplative and impassioned. Of this, Randee writes: 'With the help of both, the Devil and the Grace, along with hating and loving, laughing and crying, living and dying, with an Angel and a Demon Angel at our side I and Alamar lived out our lives. And as we spoke, I wrote'.
These books are a forewarning, a prophetic visionary content as to the rise and fall of the House of Man by way of revelations of living and dreaming. These interpretations of living and faith allow us a guide of sorts as to the vise and virtuous ways of mortal and ethereal life. These passages are to be a moral warning as mortal man enters into the Knowledge of the Rites of Passage. - Romero-Probst
The Books of FE
"Conceived out of the aspirations for power and control, these books were created by the Ancients. The basis for these books is the FE.
FE is the forces and energies, which abound Eden and connect it to the ethereal universe. The intent of the Ancients were to create, using the Tree of Knowledge, a pathway to the immortal plain, but, soon discovered that with these books they also possessed great power on the mortal plain.
'It shall be believed that by rule, the learning of these Books of the FE, is, that the poor man shall become Enriched and the Rich man shall become Empowered. One must be cautioned, though, for a poor man may find himself drowning in wealth, and a rich man may covet the wielding of great power.
For those who learn from this FE the path you follow is yours to choose'." - Romero-Probst
Some Dreams need to be shared with and spoken of by others. It is the messages in the words that will steal or heal our lives. Throughout the course of written history, words of caution, warnings and words to the enlightenment have come forth out of the experiences of living.
They are examples, proverbs, passages and doctrines of the true course of the mortal life, and for all that, the lives of all living things in Eden. They are spoken out of the conflict of God's argument for Eden.
Open your minds and listen. Open your hearts and act.
Alamar has lived and died bringing forth his thoughts and feelings to life. He has sacrificed himself, as so many others have, in hopes that the messages of faith, character, honor and commitment may help and heal mortal man.
Alamar is but a small part in the destiny of Mortal Eden. His truth is our truth. That 'truth' is spoken by many. Dig deep into the writings of mortal man, and seek the word of God. It will come to you in many forms, words and stories. Written by many, who hold that 'truth'.
Our mistakes and achievements made in the course of our living are merely the price of our commitment to honor man's role in the framework of God's creation. Both are important. Failure to learn from them is our dishonor. The infant Universe grows with each road traveled.
And then, by no end, once again across the universe I hear you call out those words to me. They rang pure as they entered into me.
I was stunned as I heard you speak. You spoke of love and of caring. You spoke of kindness and understanding.
I smiled as I heard the sweet sound of words fall from the stars and enter into my heart. They sounded of soft laughter and tender whispers. They were clear as pure water and rang out like crystal bells. They touched me as I lay on the soft green grass in the fields of the mother of our fates. They floated across the countryside like a cool light breeze.
Your words traveled to where the children play, and rested in their ears. The fruits of those words are overheard, the young girl sighs, the young boys smile.
With sparkling eyes they fill their hearts with the diamonds of their lives. They remain as innocent as when they entered the gates of the living.
And never a bad word is spoken about the Angel whose heart had broken. Who, lost in play, thinks only of brighter days.
"Alamar stepped into my dreams and told me of these things. I went to my desk, the nighttime just beginning to leave, the morning light not as yet arrived, and I sat down and started to write. Inside of these dreams I dream, Alamar delivered to me 24 books in which the key to life and death patiently sits. The more he speaks to me the more I write, and day by day, night by night I sit and write out his, and my life. These books when read will open up the universe to me, this is of what he speaks to me."- Romero-Probst
In the repose of God, the actions of his 2 Daughters represented as the Spectre and Emanation are manifested as Lovers in the temporary realities. These realities which do not insist on their permanence, and thus, enable The Daughter's to abandon such positions, in turn, after each has served its purpose. The Daughter's now conspire to create and thus set free the Prophetic visions of The Fall of of Eden's Immortal and Mortal Realms.
The Daughters, faced with the fall of their morality, reveal their “Lust” which is part of the same destructive complex, as is the appearance of The Brothers, the Devil and the Grace in Eden.
Here they are born together, the Spectre and the Emanation, the children of the antagonistic embrace.
The actions of these two daughters, who are now manifested as ‘prophets of the apocalypse’ have incarnated themselves into the thoughts of Alamar as he experiences these visions of the fall of Eden.
Each daughter embraces Alamar and injects into his mind these prophecies of the oblivion. As these prophecies materialize into Alamar, the daughters release Alamar from their embrace.
It is said that there is a prophecy written for every mortal life, living, dead, and soon to be alive. One only needs to pick and choose, those that relate to you. The others, it is told, bring light and dark to every world.
scroll - Something Powerful
No more will you be hurt by the shallowness of your words once you take the step, which now lies ahead. And as you seek to unlock the door to what it is which you are here for, you will see it has always been just within your reach.
Stepping inside
The spiritual world around us, the one which contains the mystic universe, our earth, and ourselves, is so immense, so stupendous and mysterious and intricate, that we assume to discover and unlock its secrets we must become as intricate in the detail of our accounts of it. This is quite far from the truth. And for that matter it only takes us further from our understanding of it. Within this intricate creation, it is the simplicity of it that allows us to experience it.
This simplicity gives us the opportunity to enter more doors of this mystery rather than lose ourselves within a few doors, bogged down by trying to understand each and every detail of what we are experiencing.
When the scrolls that are used in these books were created, it was more or less by accident or 'unknown guidance'. The 'Platform' for these scrolls is a person who has made an unwavering commitment to cultivating the experiences and the forces and energy of the experiences that led to the flowering of these writings.
The scrolls, which are the basis for these books, in-tunes us to this, they are rhythmic and flowing and offer a poetic outline which lays out the methods for which to use the force and energy around us. I need to add, that the mystic universe works not only in a serious manner. It is robust, humorous, impish, seductive and playful. And at the same time it is both loving and dangerous. To assume that one would use the information at face value without first ingesting and deciphering the information would simply lead a person to commit harmful, unfruitful, and unproductive acts. This is brought to attention because of the nature of the mystic universe. That is the fact that it is powerful and will not simply give up its secrets easily.
To deal with this, a person must at first give up their 'self' importance as a human being and assume the role of a spiritual warrior/priest. This allows the person to decipher the information on more of a mystical level than on the level of a, breathing, eating, thinking human level. Thus, when the forces and energy of the mystic universe ask you to bleed it is not telling you to cut open your human flesh, but is asking you to open up your life force to the experience.
The creation of the scrolls is a mystical experience in the highest order. They were created out of the feelings of love and hate, the contemplation's of life and death, and the influences of good and evil. They are an accumulation of many journeys and experiences. They were sent as messages from death, from angels and from demon angels. They were delivered from the spirit souls of the ancestors of the past and of the keepers of the future. They were presented in times of great physical pain and in times of laughter and sadness and through the trickery or commanding nature of the mystical entities encamped on the other side of the 'door'.
And from behind the sweetness of the forest of dreams the Priestess; Kath takes 16 steps to reach me. As each step is taken a bright image fills my mind and a clear voice rings in my ears telling me what she sees.
The first book, that of his eternal life opens to me the living of his dreams. In this book he tells to me the fall of all ethereal beings. He tells me who he is and what he dreams, and of the dreams fed to him inside the moment of his release. It is The Book of Life. The book of the Spectre and Emanation, of the Devil and the Grace. It is the book of Angels and Demons and of the first step and the first kiss of Adam and Eve. It is of the creation and fall of the House of Heaven and Hell. Prelude to the four books of knowledge. This book is a forewarning, a prophetic visionary content as to the rise and fall of the House of Man by way of visions of the Earth before man and at the time of the Ancients. These interpretations of living and faith allows us a guide of sorts as to the virtue and viseful ways of mortal and ethereal living. These passages are to be a moral warning a mortal man enters into the Knowledge of the Rites of Passage.
The second book is The Book of Lust, and of the trials of my living. It is fed to me before I dream and after I have fallen asleep. It is the book of Randee, that of which I am, inside the living of my life. It is inside these turmoil’s of living where I am to find myself. I am to realize that the product of my living is but a small shell of who I really am. It is a test in time of where my true self lays. It is a life of surviving, growing, living and dying. These are the fruits of my virtues and my vices. It is the world which I have laid out for myself to include my courage and my fears, my love and my hate and all the things which I have lost or gained. This is the battleground and sanctuary where I have found and buried my and rediscovered my faith. This is the book of living. And within the wall of my life I have been both husband and wife to all the things which have brought to me glory and shame. Within these confines I have discovered the place where I am made to purge the living which I had made. To exalt myself into the true meaning of what I am. Man.
The third book is The Book of Death. This book is the prison or the release, to confine or set oneself free. The product and output of our living is the preparation of our dying. This is the path all mortal creatures must follow. The road to death is the taking and giving of one’s last breath. Into this journey we are faced with the living which we have made. We are given the choice to sow or to reap. And are tested how deep our faith is. I was asked of how I would like to be treated in death, then told of how I had treated each and every living soul. Death is the flower of every living seed.
"I spoke with death, and challenged its worst and its best. I bartered my soul for a taste of eternity.
The Beast fed with me. The Beast awoke and slept with me.
I lived and died a truth and a lie.
I struggled with the worst and the best in me.
I toyed with the life and the death of me.
And of this I am made to speak."- Romero-Probst
"Promises by the hour. Little kings shout without power. Nowhere to be found are the peasants buried in the ground, not ever making a sound. Their priests praise the holiest of places. They carve out the soul and laden it with gold. You, in the end are all sent to the same place. Never, I have seen, are any dreams ever turned into the reality of its being. All I seem to hear are ever so much the same words, all spoken out of broken little hearts. So many have become lost by searching for what doesn’t exist. They are led into the pit with their eyes fixed. "- Romero-Probst
"Alamar stepped into my dreams and told me of these things. I went to my desk, the nighttime just beginning to leave, the morning light not as yet arrived, and I sat down and started to write. Inside of these dreams I dream, Alamar delivered to me 24 books in which the key to life and death patiently sits. The more he speaks to me the more I write, and day by day, night by night I sit and write out his, and my life. These books when read will open up the universe to me, this is of what he speaks to me."- Romero-Probst
scroll – Vision of the Spiritual Warrior
'The world lays there at your feet. You may fly over the mountaintops or rest beneath the trees. There is nowhere you may not go, to find the forces that you hope to hold on to. Anywhere you choose. Anywhere to win or to lose,
from the ocean to the littlest of rooms, inside of the crowded marketplace or within the solitude of emptiness, it is yours to choose the place and the methods to use.
No barriers lay before you, but what I shall say, you must take with you. You are not alone within the boundaries untold; you must not fail to strengthen yourself, less you are shrouded as some unwary fool. There are boundless treasures of whatever it is which you seek. The universe cradles eternity. The world cradles those things, which you need. Your body cradles your purity. The wise man sees it, the foolish disbelieve it. The stalker tracks it. The hunted presides it. It is you who feeds it. Be wary of who seeks to feed from it. Protect yourself as you reach to seek the needs for it. The universe is yours if you use it. '
The First Domain is here; Earth. This is the foothold from which all our contemplations arise. This is the prison for all our thoughts and all of our plans. This is our trap and as well, our home. We use this place to live out our ‘real’ lives no matter where it is that we wish ourselves to be.
Randee is an adventurer, somewhat of a hero and villain, a creative instrument and individual spirit of man and unlikely and certainly not by his own choice, prophet and sage.
Randee exists in fallen Eden, where his own life is taking place. Randee’s life is very much affected by Alamar, and he too feels the collapse of earthly civilization within his own lifetime.
At this stage, Randee is helpless but to live. And within this adventure of living Randee exploits his own mortality in a quest to feel truly alive and therefore experience a greater part of this earthly creation. As well, in tackling this life our closeness to our God is inevitable and a freedom is developed within this earthly prison to ponder and approach this great mystery. Many people are drawn into Randee’s life, me included. On several occasions our paths will cross and I will be included in the web of the greatest of all human mysteries delivered to us in a very complex puzzle subject to our unraveling.
Alamar and Randee have broken the seal on all of our secret lives, exposing us and leaving us vulnerable to change. Randee, himself changed my life forever. I have become a new, complete man, confident and able to plan for my future and afterlife while understanding now, who I am and the responsibility for my actions. In the past I use to run from depression and despair and hide from the actions of my darker nature. No one wants to be told that they fail to meet the standards they assume are the pinnacles needed to ascend to paradise. No one can hope to achieve those heights, no one. To be whole is just that, ‘to be whole’. We live on both sides of the light; the dark and the side where the light shines.