MEEa plans to produce a series of exhibitions which will intune

the observer to the aspects of Ego-Expressionism and the thoughts

and ideals of the artist's and the artist's creations. 

MEEa Opening Exhibition: 2023

'The Founding Collection' 

The exhibitions will follow the itinerary of these four offerings into the style and creations of Ego-Expressionism. After-which, these exhibitions will be broken into several offerings, those of which will be announced as the museum makes them ready for viewing.

MEEa Opening Exhibition:

Ego-Expressionist artist/poet; RE Romero-Probst

The exhibition series will begin with an introspective view of Ego-Expressionist artist/poet; RE Romero-Probst. It is fitting that RE Romero-Probst be the first to be analyzed under the scrutiny of those who wish to investigate this style and the conceptions of these creations.

MEEa Museum

Excerpts of:
'Founding Collection' 

The Self-Portrait Series
Re-Creating Ones Life
The Fall of Eden

The Judgement of the Arts

MEEa Museum

The Self-Portrait Series 


The Self-Portrait Series is a large collection of work created in a number of different styles, periods and techniques in RE Romero-Probst's life. This series covers over 50 years of the artist's creative life and offers the viewer a visual look into the changes of the artist.

Re-Creating Ones Life

Painting & Poetry: The Fall of Eden

"‘ They are feelings in their raw, beautiful and brutal form. They are influenced by hope and fear, love and hate, lust and death, God and oblivion’."

MEEa Museum

Fallen from grace

Visions of our oblivion

By the hand of man or by the nature of what creates. We are lost to reason which hand is the one that casts us from the beautiful lands. We have fallen from the tower of conviction that we have placed to high for anyone to live in. We are bound and shackled to the confines of our minds, and that which commands the feeling that we are in so much need of. Within the sin, which our living brings, we gaze up at that tower and await for a light for our faith to burn. - Romero-Probst

Who am I

The Abstract Poetic Diaries

"Promises by the hour. Little kings shout without power. Nowhere to be found are the peasants buried in the ground, not ever making a sound. Their priests praise the holiest of places. They carve out the soul and laden it with gold. You, in the end are all sent to the same place. Never, I have seen, are any dreams ever turned into the reality of its being. All I seem to hear are ever so much the same words, all spoken out of broken little hearts. So many have become lost by searching for what doesn’t exist. They are led into the pit with their eyes fixed. "- Romero-Probst

The banishment from heaven

Visions of our oblivion

By the choice of the extreme nature of the grace, there was not to be a place among those spared from hate, for the wicked angelic face, which coveted in the realm of misery and harm and evils seductive charm. - Romero-Probst
"I will give you a small taste of all those lost souls strung out on pleasure and gold. And of all of those who tried to keep their character and pride. And of all of those who were used and abused, imprisoned and then let loose." - Romero-Probst

MEEa The Collectors MEEa The Collectors

on Exhibition

MEEa Museum

Upcoming Exhibitions

DATES: To Be Announced

MEEa Museum

Antique and Miniature Doll Collection

Christy Smith McCartney
MEEa Museum

The Collectors Series: Creation of the Blood-Red Sky

RE Romero Probst
MEEa Museum

Acquisitions: Adelina & Charles Romero-Probst Foundation

The Artistic Transformation
MEEa Museum

The Virtual Exhibition

MEEa Collection

Please Support MEEa

MEEa Museum
MEEa Museum


Bringing forth the style of Ego-Expressionism: Displaying an amazing collection of artwork.