MEEa plans to produce a series of exhibitions which will intune the observer to the aspects of Ego-Expressionism and the thoughts and ideals of the artist's and the artist's creations.


Bringing forth the style of Ego-Expressionism: Displaying an amazing collection of artwork.

Upcoming Exhibitions

DATES: To Be Announced

Antique and Miniature Doll Collection

Exhibition Dates: To be Announced

Christy Smith McCartney 

Artisan, Collector

Upcoming: Exhibitions at MEEa

The Naranjo Collection of:
Southwestern Jewelry & Art

Exhibition Dates: To be Announced

Stella Naranjo

Artisan, Jeweler, Collector, Dealer

Upcoming: Exhibitions at MEEa

The "Collectors" 

The Judgment of the Arts, the Creation of the Blood-Red Sky

God and the Beast exist in each of us, and for those who take on the task of judging what is good or bad R E Romero-Probst created an art piece for each of these individuals. In this project over 200 of these individuals are represented.

MEEa The Collectors MEEa The Collectors


These art pieces are the 'Collectors', and these are the faces of those who are entrusted with the task of making artistic judgments in regards to each individual who seeks to bring into public view their work. 

Each 'collector' (in each painting) is seen with the ‘Eye’ of God on each their being, all existing within the shadow of the Blood-Red sky. Each collector, empowered with the task of trying to separate the truth from the lie in art and literature, making or breaking those artistic persons and their ideas, thoughts, insights, inspirations, aspirations and interpretations.

The Blood Red Sky Series 

The Collector Series is an artistic representation of the ‘Modern Medici’s’; showcasing those collector’s who’s names are synonymous with art. Created within Randolph Romero-Probst’s signature vibrant and volatile backgrounds, these noted collector’s are given tribute for their dedication and patronage to the arts.


The Series Conception

While conceiving a project that would utilize vibrant and volatile skies, the keeper of God’s damnation or healing, the Eye of God and those who are charged with the task of artistic intregity, R E Romero-Probst created this series within the veils of a literary project connecting the series to the conflict of worldly and ethereal contemplations which is his representation of our modern new millennium era of collectors.

Upcoming: Exhibitions at MEEa

Photographs of Everything:
Living through the Lens

MEEa Museum

Upcoming: Exhibitions at MEEa

Introspective into the artist RE Romero-Probst

The Self-Portrait Series

Exhibition Dates: To be Announced

Painting & Poetry

The Fall of Eden

Exhibition Dates: To be Announced

The Collectors

Creation of the Blood-Red Sky

Exhibition Dates: To be Announced

Acquisitions: Adelina & Charles Romero-Probst Foundation

The Artistic Transformation

Exhibition Dates: To be Announced

Exhibitions... MEEa ...Exhibitions

Please Support MEEa


Bringing forth the style of Ego-Expressionism: Displaying an amazing collection of artwork.